In a recent technical article we presented selected contents from the European Commission’s draft for a new Machinery Regulation. Until August 2021, users and interested parties were given the opportunity to comment that draft and propose ideas for an improvement of the final version of the regulation. In the next steps, the draft will again be revised, afterwards submitted to the European Parliament for voting.
An interesting topic within this context is the position paper from the European Standardization Organizations (ESOs) CEN and CENELEC.
In the scope of standardisation mandates, the ESOs create harmonized standards. The latter are meant to cover the essential health and safety requirements of selected EU-directives and regulations.
Standards that are listed within the Official Journal of the EU in accordance to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC are not automatically published in the upcoming OJEU for the new Machinery Regulation. Before, CEN and CENELEC will need to verify, which of the existing Machinery standards already fulfil the requirements of the future Machinery Regulation.
In their position paper the ESOs have repeatedly criticised the draft for a Machinery Regulation. In summary they claim that barely any of their proposals found its way into the draft. In the following, you can find some of the content-related criticism summed up:
Posted on: 10/11/2021
Daniel Zacek-Gebele, MSc Product manager at IBF for additional products and data manager for updating standards data on the Safexpert Live Server. Studied economics in Passau (BSc) and Stuttgart (MSc), specialising in International Business and Economics. Email: |
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