New in Safexpert

Interface to the TIA Selection Tool

New in Safexpert: Plug-in for the TIA Selection Tool from Siemens

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With the Service Pack 1 for Safexpert 9.0 comes an interface to the TIA Selection Tool (TIA ST) from Siemens. This interface was developed in a cooperation between Siemens and IBF.  

With the "Safety Evaluation" function in the TIA Selection Tool, the required Performance Level (PL) according to ISO 13849-1 or the required Safety Integrity Level (SIL) according to IEC 62061 can be calculated for a safety function.  

Efficient workflow

The interaction of Safexpert and the TIA Selection Tool results in a workflow in which you are relieved of work steps, such as transferring the information on the safety functions from the risk assessment to the calculation tool and vice versa.  

In Safexpert, you perform the risk assessment as usual. All measures marked with "Depends on a control system" are exported via the TIA plug-in. In addition to the measure, the associated hazard location and the required PL or SIL are also transferred. The export is done via a transfer file. 

In the TIA Selection Tool you import the transfer file and perform the calculation of the safety function. The values for the PL or SIL achieved are exported to the transfer file. After the import in Safexpert, the values for the achieved PL or SIL are automatically written back at the appropriate point in the risk assessment. 

What you need for the interface:

  • TIA Selection Tool from version 2023.02 (planned release in calendar week 6/2023).
  • Safexpert from version 9.0 with service pack 1 (release of SP1 on 2023-02-07)
  • • Safexpert license for the "TIA interface" plug-in (Activated from Safexpert "Basic" package)


TIA stands for Totally Integrated Automation, an organizational concept of the manufacturer Siemens for the interaction of automation components and services to a consistent automation solution. In this context, Siemens offers, among other things, the free TIA Selection Tool.  

Posted on: 2023-02-07



Christian Aumann, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Specialist for CE marking and Safexpert. Since 2023 in product management at IBF. Before that, he worked as a design engineer in special machine construction and as an occupational safety expert (SiFa). Studied mechanical engineering at the OTH Regensburg with a focus on production and automation technology.

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