
These were the CE PraxisTage 2024

Review of the 18th CE PraxisTage

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The CE Praxistage took place for the 18th time this year from 11 to 13 June in Pforzheim. Once again this year, the conference organised by IBF brought together experts, specialists and newcomers from the field of CE marking in accordance with the Machinery Directive - as well as the new Machinery Regulation.

Proven hybrid format

In 2024, participants were once again able to take part in the event either on site in Pforzheim or online. A total of approximately 40 people took part in the event this year - we are delighted that the event was so well received!  

Separation into introduction day and specialist conference

The conference was divided into the CE Einführungstag (introductory day) day on 11 June and the CE Fachkonferenz  (specialist conference) on 12 and 13 June. This tried-and-tested separation of the technical conference and introductory day ensures that both beginners and experts in the field of CE marking of machinery receive valuable content.

Conference participants for whom the technical and legal requirements of CE marking are still uncharted territory received a quick overview of risk assessment and normative principles, an introduction to legal principles and conformity assessment procedures as well as important information on safety requirements for electrical equipment and control systems on the CE Einführungstag

Focus of the conference

Topics for the experts at the subsequent CE conference included the latest updates on standards and legislation: The new Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230 was published last year, followed by the publication of EN ISO 13849-1:2023 in the autumn.

This content was supplemented by legal topics such as product monitoring and hazard prevention as well as product safety and liability risks with an explicit focus on machinery and plant engineering.

Other exciting, cross-thematic content included the topic of ‘Material Compliance’. The topic of security by design also provided valuable insights into the requirements and solution approaches for manufacturers, especially with regard to the increasingly emerging topic of (cyber) security, which will have an impact on security aspects of machines in the future due to the security requirements of the Radio Equipment Directive or other legal requirements such as NIS 2 and the Cyber Resilience Act.

Dates 2025

The IBF would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants, listeners, speakers and employees for a successful conference and looks forward to the 2025 conference. The 19th CE Praxistage will take place next year in May on the following dates:

  • 13 May 2025: CE EinführungsTAG
  • 14-15 May 2025: CE FachKONFFERENZ

Posted on: 2024-06-17


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