Which standards trigger presumption of conformity for the EMC directive? In this - continuously updated - post you will inform you on the latest changes.
Information on the data packages
The list of harmonized standards which give presumption of conformity for the EMC Directive (2014/30/EU) was updated on 2022-06-10:
EU Official Journal: C/2022/3770Publication date: 2022-06-10Legal basis: EMC Directive (2014/30/EU)
SUCCESSOR:For one standard a direct successor was publishedREMOVED (WITH TRANSITIONAL TIME): 2 standards will be removed with transition period as per 2023-12-10
SAFEXPERT-USER: On the Safexpert LiveServer all adjustments have already been made available.
The list of harmonized standards which give presumption of conformity for the EMC Directive (2014/30/EU) was updated on 2022-04-13:
EU Official Journal: C/2022/2231Publication date: 2022-04-13Legal basis: EMC Directive (2014/30/EU)
NEW: One standard was listed in the Official Journal for the first time:
SUCCESSOR:For 3 Standards direct successors were publishedAMENDED: For one standard an amendment was publishedREMOVED (WITH TRANSITIONAL TIME): 3 standards will be removed with transition period as per 2023-10-13
SAFEXPERT-USER: On the Safexpert LiveServer all adjustments have already been made available. Remark: For some of the newly harmonised standards the national editions (ÖNORM) have not been published yet. Once they are available, they will be suplemented as soon as possible.
The list of harmonized standards which give presumption of conformity for the directive on electromagnetic compatibility (2014/30/EU) was updated on 2021-03-16:
Official Journal of the EU: C/2021/1669Publication Date: 2021-03-16Legal basis: Directive on electromagnetic compatibilty (2014/30/EU)Successor: For 1 standards a direct successors were published.Amended:For 1 standard an amendment was published.REMOVED (WITH TRANSITIONAL TIME): 2 standards will be removed with transition period as per 2022/09/16, 1 standard will be removed with transition period as per 2022/07/28
SAFEXPERT-USERS: All changes are already available to you on the Safexpert LiveServer Remark: For some of the newly harmonised standards the national editions (OVE) have not been published yet. Once they are available, they will be suplemented as soon as possible.
Comments: The transition period of the standard EN 55103.2:2009 (Predecessor of EN 55035:2017) will be extended from 2021/11/18 until 2022/07/28.
The list of harmonized standards which give presumption of conformity for the directive on electromagnetic compatibility (2014/30/EU) was updated on 2020-11-03:
Official Journal of the EU: C/2020/7574Publication Date: 2020-11-03Legal basis: Directive on electromagnetic compatibilty (2014/30/EU)Successor: For 4 standards direct successors plus amendments were publishedAmended:For the standard EN 62026-2:2013 an amendment was added REMOVED (WITH TRANSITIONAL TIME): 4 standards will be removed with transition period as per 05/04/2022.
Specialties of the Commission Implementing Decision:
The list of harmonized standards which give presumption of conformity for the directive on electromagnetic compatibility (2014/30/EU) was updated on 2020-05-18:
Official Journal of the EU: C/2020/3215Publication Date: 2020-18-05Legal basis: Directive on electromagnetic compatibilty (2014/30/EU)NEU: 2 standards were published for the first timeAmended:2 - One entry has been amended (additions concerning additional amendments to EN 12895:2015), 1 standard now only gives presumption of conformity together with its newly published amendment (EN 61439-3:2012/AC:2019-04).REMOVED (WITH TRANSITIONAL TIME: For 2 standards the removal from the Official Journal of the EU is announced as per 2021-11-18
SAFEXPERT-USERS: All changes are already available to you on the Safexpert LiveServer