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Amendments for the new Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230

Overview of amendments and corrigenda in the Official Journal of the European Union

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On 29 June 2023, Regulation (EU) 2023/1230 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2023 on machinery, or the Machinery Regulation for short, was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Comprehensive details on the changes compared to the previous Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC can be found in our technical article "New Machinery Regulation".

The final version of the directive dated 29 June is modified by the EU Commission at irregular intervals by means of amending documents, as is the case with other legal provisions. This may be done as part of a correction. This so-called corrigendum serves to immediately amend identified errors in certain passages of the directive upon publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. The other possibility is the publication of amending documents. These are published as independent (implementing) regulations or directives in the Official Journal of the European Union in order to adapt the legislation to new regulatory or technical framework conditions. In doing so, existing passages are supplemented or completely new sections are added, with a transitional period granted.

In this blog post, we have clearly summarised the changes to the new Machinery Regulation since its publication in June 2023. As soon as new amendment documents are published, this blog post will be continuously updated. Don't miss any important updates and subscribe to our free newsletter or follow us on LinkedIn!

What changes to the Machinery Regulation will be introduced by the ‘Corrigendum to Regulation (EU) 2023/1230’ of 4 July 2023?

When the regulation was published on 29 June 2023, the date of commencement and numerous other effective dates were not calculated correctly.

Regulations usually come into force 20 days after their publication in the Official Journal, and this was also the intention for the Machinery Regulation. The other relevant dates are subsequently linked to this 20-day period. Thus, the corrigendum of 4 July 2023 results in changes to the regulation in the following places:

Content of the Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230ChapterDate in originalNew date according to corrigendum
Obligation of Member States to submit data and information on Annex I – (high-risk) machineryArticle 6 (9)14 July 202520 July 2025
Authority of the Commission to adopt implementing actsArticle 6(10), fourth subparagraph14 July 202420 July 2024
The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated actsArticle 47(213 July 202319 July 2023
Communication from the Member States on provisions and measures to the CommissionArticle 50(214 October 202620 October 2026
Directive 2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive) is repealed Article 51, paragraph 2, subparagraph 114 January 202720 January 2027
Member States shall not impede the making available of machinery according to the old Directive 2006/42/EC that was placed on the market before 20 January 2027.Article 52 (1) first sentence14 January 202720 January 2027
Date of application of Chapter VI (Union market surveillance and safeguard clause procedure)Article 52(1), second sentence13 July 202319 July 2023
The Commission shall submit to Parliament a report on the assessment of Annex I – MachineryArticle 53(1)14 July 202820 July 2028
The Commission shall submit a report to Parliament on the assessment of Annex I machineryArticle 53(3), first subparagraph14 July 202620 July 2026
Start of applicability of the new Machinery RegulationArticle 54, paragraph 214 January 202720 January 2027
Rules for the notification of conformity assessment bodies enter into forceArticle 54(3)(a)14 January 202420 January 2024
Member States shall lay down the rules on penaltiesArticle 54(3)(b)14 October 202320 October 2023
Procedure for adding products to Annex I, Part A Article 54(3)(c)13 July 202319 July 2023
Authority of the Commission to adopt delegated acts Article 54, paragraph 3, point (d)14 July 202420 July 2024

You can open and download the full text of the corrigendum via the following link:

Seminar tip

Changeover to the new Machinery Regulation

In our webinar "Changeover to the new Machinery Regulation", we will provide you with compact information on the relevant changes to the new Machinery Regulation.

How does Regulation (EU) 2024/2748 of 8 November 2024 amend the Machinery Regulation?

Regulation (EU) 2024/2747 was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 8 November 2024 and contains provisions "as regards emergency procedures for the conformity assessment, presumption of conformity, adoption of common specifications and market surveillance due to an internal market emergency".

Specifically, this regulation lays down provisions to ensure the normal functioning of the internal market and the availability of crisis-relevant goods during a crisis.

In addition to the Machinery Regulation, numerous other provisions are being prepared for such an "internal market emergency", including the regulations on construction products (305/2011), cableways (2016/424), protective equipment (2016/425), gas appliances (20 16/425) or the General Product Safety Regulation (EU) 2023/988.

The following new definitions are added to Article 3 of the Machinery Regulation 2023/1230:

  • 37. "crisis-relevant goods" means crisis-relevant goods as defined in Article 3(6) of Regulation (EU) 2024/2747 of the European Parliament and of the Council (*);
  • 38. "internal market emergency mode" means the internal market emergency mode as defined in point (3) of Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2024/2747.

In addition, Chapter IVa (Emergency Procedures) is added to the existing Chapter IV (Conformity Assessment) with additions to Article 25 (Conformity assessment procedure for machinery and related products):

  • Article 25a (Application): The added Articles 25b to 25e of the MR apply
    ...only if the Commission has adopted an implementing act
    ...exclusively for machines that have been classified as crisis-relevant goods
    ...exclusively during the emergency mode for the internal market
  • Article 25b (Prioritisation): Notified bodies shall process all applications as a matter of priority and shall increase their testing capacities.
  • Article 25c (Derogation): Authorisation of placing on the market by a member state even if the conformity assessment procedure has not been carried out by the notified body. Recognition by other member states or extension of the authorisation by the Commission to the entire EU. Indication on the machine that it is being placed on the market as a ‘crisis-relevant product’ – but no CE mark.
  • Article 25d (Standards/Specifications): Commission may indicate appropriate standards and specifications in the implementing act.
  • Article 25e (Market surveillance): priority surveillance activities and mutual assistance between authorities.

You can open and download the full text of the amendment via the following link:

Consolidated version

On the EUR-Lex website, the EU Commission offers a current consolidated version of the Machinery Regulation. In this version, the amendment documents have already been incorporated and can thus be accessed directly at the relevant section.

Tip: For Safexpert users, the amended sections are available as entries in the Knowledge Base! This allows you to view the changes to the affected sections in the margin while studying the regulation via bookmarks. You can use the knowledge base free of charge if you have a licence for the Safexpert StandardsManager. Subsequently, all changes to the regulation will be displayed directly in the PDF viewer.

Figure 1: Presentation of the changes to the Machinery Regulation in the Safexpert Knowledge Base


Posted on: 2024-11-22


Daniel Zacek-Gebele, MSc
Produktmanager bei IBF für Zusatzprodukte sowie Datenmanager für die Aktualisierung der Normendaten am Safexpert Live Server. Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften in Passau (BSc) und Stuttgart (MSc) im Schwerpunkt International Business and Economics.

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