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New EN ISO 13849-1:2023

New EN ISO 13849-1:2023 - support from Safexpert

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1. Chronological history

  • The new standard EN ISO 13849-1:2023 was prepared by Technical Committee 114 (Safety of machinery and equipment) and published by CEN on 17 May 2023.
  • The documents were then successively published by the national standardisation institutes (in Austria on 15 October 2023)
  • CEN specifies 31 May 2026 as the withdrawal date for the predecessor standard EN ISO 13849-1:2015.
  • A listing in the EU Official Journal in accordance with Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC took place on 15 May 2024. 
  • With the publication of EN ISO 13849-1:2023 in the EU Official Journal, a transitional period of 3 years was set for the predecessor standard. It will lose its presumption of conformity on this date.
  • Once the new EN ISO 13849-1:2023 has been published in the Official Journal, a transitional period of 1.5 years is expected for the predecessor standard until it loses the presumption of conformity on this date.

2.  Changes to the scope

The new edition of the standard has become significantly more comprehensive. Instead of the previous 104 pages, the current standard comprises 172 pages.  

3. support from Safexpert

Safexpert supports you at various points when switching to the new standard:

3.1 New functionalities in the Safexpert risk assessment

Annex A of EN ISO 13849-1:2023 now provides assistance in determining the parameter P (possibility of avoiding or limiting damage). One parameter (A, B, C) is determined for each of five factors (including the speed at which the hazardous situation occurs). Depending on the frequency of occurrence of parameters A, B or C, the parameter P1 (avoidance possible under certain conditions) or P2 (avoidance hardly possible) is determined.

Figure 1: Excerpt from the function for calculating the "possibility of avoidance"

The new help for determining the parameter P has already been taken into account in the version Safexpert Version 9.0 SP3  

Whether the new functionality is offered in your projects depends on the "time of commercialisation" defined in the project. This ensures that the new standard is only applied to those projects whose date of placing on the market is after 15 May 2027.

Interfaces to other systems
Safexpert's interfaces to the DGUV's Sistema software and to the TIA Selection Tool from Siemens will of course remain functional.

3.2 Support through templates and templates in Safexpert

Different templates help you to fulfil your duties more quickly, easily and conveniently:

Cross-reference lists

Safexpert contains numerous free cross-reference lists to standards in the expert field of "Safety of machinery" (ICS circle 13.110), including EN ISO 13849-1:2023.

Cross-reference lists offer the advantage that you can directly see which standards are available for eliminating specific hazards during the risk assessment (see illustration).

Figure 2: Excerpt from a risk assessment with associated cross-references

Machinery safety standards package

The Machinery safety standards package contains A and B standards that are particularly important for machine, plant and control engineering, including EN ISO 13849-1 in full text. These standards already contain inbuilt link destinations so that you can jump directly from an applied section to the right place in the PDF.

Users of Safexpert with a licenced standards package will receive the amended standard (as soon as the German version is available) free of charge as part of the maintenance contract.

Document comparison

The document comparison provides you with a comparison of the predecessor standard with its successor and allows you to see directly which sections have been changed, deleted or added. The respective sections can be opened in full text for a comparison.

Figure 3: Safexpert document comparison as an interactive correspondence table for the old and new editions of standards

For the new standard, this will help you as follows:

  • There is an interactive correlation table between EN ISO 13849-1:2015 and EN ISO 13849-1:2023, link destinations open the full text directly at the desired section.
  • This results in a comparison of the changes in the two full texts - because the details in the changes are often decisive.
  • Use the "Change assistant" (see below) to utilise the data and automatically swap changed sections.
  • A prerequisite for using the above features is the licensing of the document structure package "Machine Safety".

Change assistant

  • Every time a standard is changed, the question arises as to whether projects with a longer term or template projects are still up to date and therefore compliant. Safexpert has been offering the option of adding standard references to safety-related measures for years.
  • Using the Change assistant, you not only receive information that one of the applied standards, in this case EN ISO 13849-1:2015, has changed, but are also shown directly where the section of the standard you are applying is located in the successor standard from 2023 and whether the content in the section relevant to you has changed in the new standard compared to the predecessor.
  • Important note: The full text of the standard in the standards package and the change information at section level can currently (only) be provided on the basis of the English-language editions of the standard! As soon as the German-language EN ISO 13849-1:2023 is available, the standards package and the document structure data will be adapted promptly.

3.3 Further assistance

Free assignment table:
If you would like to get an overview of the changes now, we have put together an overview table based on the English-language editions of the standards. This allows you to see the extent to which sections of the 2015 standard have been amended, deleted or new sections added in the 2023 edition.

Mapping table for EN ISO 13849-1 - Comparison of the standard sections of the 2016 and 2023 editions

Posted on: 2024-06-11 (last amendment)



Daniel Zacek-Gebele, MSc
Produktmanager bei IBF für Zusatzprodukte sowie Datenmanager für die Aktualisierung der Normendaten am Safexpert Live Server. Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften in Passau (BSc) und Stuttgart (MSc) im Schwerpunkt International Business and Economics.

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