Technical article

Planned standard for protection against corruption

prEN 50742 for (cyber) security requirements of the Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230

New standardization project prEN 50742 for “Protection against corruption” launched

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There is a new standardization project for the safety requirement from Annex III, 1.1.9. “Protection against corruption” of the new EU Machinery Regulation! You can find out the latest details in the following to stay up-to-date.

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What exactly does the requirement in Annex III, 1.1.9. ‘Protection against corruption’ from the Machinery Regulation mean? 

Section 1.1.9. of Annex III of the new EU Machinery Regulation 2023/1230 defines requirements regarding protection against corruption. The legislator requires here that the connection of a device (probably meaning USB sticks or other data carriers) as well as the connection with ‘remote devices’, i.e. via the Internet, must not lead to dangerous situations.

In addition to Annex III, 1.1.9., are there any other sections of the Machinery Regulation that deal with security aspects?

In addition, sections 1.2.1. a, d, f, for example, contain new requirements for the robustness of control systems. It is particularly important to emphasise at this point that the regulation distinguishes between unintentional and intentional tampering. While the former primarily refers to employees who make changes without malicious intent, intentional manipulation primarily refers to hacking, which can also be carried out by deliberately influencing employees (social engineering).

What requirements will the new prEN 50742 standard cover in detail?

The future standard is intended to cover both aspects of section 1.1.9. (Protection against corruption) and the resulting requirements of the corresponding subsections of 1.2.1. (Safety and reliability of control systems), parts a) and f).

The aim of the standard is therefore to provide requirements and recommendations for protection against accidental and intentional damage to machinery, including malicious acts by third parties that lead to dangerous situations.

The scope of the standard should therefore extend to the following products:

  • Hardware components, including interfaces to remote devices and control systems that can transmit signals or data.
  • Software and data if they could influence the safety of the machine.

When is the new prEN 50742 standard for ‘Protection against corruption’ expected to be published?

In summer 2024, Technical Committee 44X (Safety of machinery and equipment: electrotechnical aspects) of CENELEC, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation, started work on a harmonised standard prEN 50742 (Safety of machinery - Protection against corruption) to cover the relevant sections 1.1.9. and 1.2.1. of Machinery Regulation 2023/1230.1

This standardisation project is currently in the committee phase, and a document should be available for public comment in the next few months once a draft standard has been successfully prepared.

According to the contents of the draft standardisation request to the European standardisation organisations from the EU Commission, harmonised standards to cover the requirements of the Machinery Regulation should be adopted by 20 January 2026 at the latest. This would therefore be the latest date by which prEN 50742 could be expected to be published.

Product note

Safexpert 9.1 - The CE software already supports the new Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/123030

Since version 9.1, Safexpert has been providing you with targeted support when switching to the new Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230. For machines with a long service life that are placed on the market from 20 January 2027, you can now use the CE guide in accordance with the new Machinery Regulation!


  • A standardisation project prEN 50742 to cover the security requirement ‘Protection against corruption’ is currently in progress
  • The standard also deals with the resulting interfaces for security aspects for control elements.
  • The standard is expected to be published by the beginning of 2026 at the latest.

Posted on: 2024-09-13


Daniel Zacek-Gebele, MSc
Produktmanager bei IBF für Zusatzprodukte sowie Datenmanager für die Aktualisierung der Normendaten am Safexpert Live Server. Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften in Passau (BSc) und Stuttgart (MSc) im Schwerpunkt International Business and Economics.

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