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There are currently more than 800 harmonised standards listed in the Official Journal of the European Union in accordance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. These technical standards ensure a high level of safety and protection for the users of machinery and other persons exposed to the machinery.
By being listed as a harmonised standard, these standards carry a presumption of conformity. This means that users of these documents can assume that the solutions and measures described in the standards are suitable for fulfilling the legal requirements of the directive, for which they were developed by the European standardisation organisations CEN/CENELEC on behalf of the EU Commission.
The need for harmonised standards was also substantiated by the new publication of the Machinery Regulation in June 2023. This is the subject of this briefing note.
Changed requirements as part of the Machinery Regulation
Most of the legal requirements of the Machinery Directive can also be found in the new Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230. However, the revision has also resulted in amended or completely new essential health and safety requirements (EHSRs for short), such as "Protection against corrosion" (Annex III, 1.1.9) or "Risk of contact with live overhead lines" (Annex II, 3.5.4.), so that harmonised standards must at least be reviewed and, if necessary, adapted to the new requirements of the regulation. You can find an overview of the most important changes to the new Machinery Regulation 2023/1230 in our technical article on the new Machinery Regulation.
Seminar tip
Changeover to the new Machinery Regulation
In our webinar "Changeover to the new Machinery Regulation", we will provide you with compact information on the relevant changes to the new Machinery Regulation.
to the seminar
The topic of harmonised standards was already communicated in the first draft of the new Machinery Regulation 2021, which was published for public comment. In a position paper, CEN/CENELEC pointed out the difficulty of adapting all harmonised standards to the new requirements within the deadline set by the EU Commission until they come into force (30 months). At that time, an extension of the deadline from 30 to 36 months was proposed, but this was not taken into account when the regulation was finally published in June 2023.
Presumption of conformity under the Machinery Directive = presumption of conformity under the Machinery Regulation?
This planned adaptation of the harmonised standards has now taken a new turn at the end of 2023: As things stand, the EU Commission will also fully certify the presumption of conformity under the Machinery Regulation for all standards currently listed in the EU Official Journal under the Machinery Directive - provided they cover the same EHSRs communicated in both pieces of legislation. 1 Of course, these documents cannot fulfil newly added requirements without revision, which is why the listing of these documents in the EU Official Journal with restrictions is being discussed as an interim solution.2 This form of publication has already proven its worth in the past, for example when individual sections of standards are exempted from the presumption of conformity.
According to the publisher CEN/CENELEC, the review will take place over the year 2024 as part of a so-called "gap analysis". The individual technical committees tasked with drawing up harmonised standards in accordance with the Machinery Regulation are to review the changes in the EHSRs for their standards and introduce them within a time frame set by the Commission.3 The review of all standards currently published in the Official Journal of the EU in accordance with the Machinery Directive is to be completed by the end of 2026 at the latest, so that an implementing decision with a complete list of harmonised standards in accordance with the Machinery Regulation is available shortly before the deadline of 20 January 2027. The "gaps" identified by the committees could then appear as restrictions in the Official Journal as part of the decision.
In addition to the review mandate, the standardisation mandate also includes the scheduled revision of existing standards. As part of this revision, the technical committees are to take into account the requirements of the Machinery Regulation in addition to the EHSRs under the Machinery Directive. The standardisation mandate also includes the creation of new harmonised standards specifically for the newly added requirements of the Machinery Ordinance, such as cybersecurity, AI or additive manufacturing.
New publications of European standards that appear before the deadline of 20 January 2027 must then (still) cover the requirements of both sets of regulations. In addition to the existing Annex ZA (reference of a European standard to the EHSRs to be covered by Directive 2006/42/EC), these documents will probably also contain an Annex ZB for Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230. This double annex is likely to be familiar to standard users from the last revision of the Machinery Directive 98/37/EC.
Standardisation request to CEN/CENELEC
On 20 January 2025, the European Commission published standardisation mandate. This decision, addressed to CEN/CENELEC, is covering future mandates for the creation of harmonised standards (hEN) in accordance with Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230.
The overriding aim of the standardisation mandate is to build on the previous mandate to create harmonised standards in accordance with the Machinery Directive. In future, such standards should also ensure a high level of health and safety protection in accordance with the Machinery Regulation. The standardisation mandate also explicitly addresses interfaces with other regulations:
In order to fulfil the standardisation mandate, CEN and CENELEC shall draw up harmonised standards in accordance with the requirements of the MVO to be covered. As described above, the extent to which these standards is to fulfil the new EHSRs introduced by the Machinery Directive or the requirements already laid down in the Machinery Directive must be taken into account.
The detailed annex to the standardisation mandate, which lists all the safety requirements to be met by the Machinery Directive, is therefore divided into two groups:
Annex I focuses on the new product categories or technology fields added by the MVO, whose safety objectives are to be covered by NEW harmonised standards. These standards must essentially fulfil the following criteria and have been adopted by CEN or CENELEC by 20 January 2026 at the latest:
Annex II lists the product categories or fields of technology that have existed since the MD and whose safety objectives are achieved by revising EXISTING harmonised standards that already fulfil the presumption of conformity under the MD within the framework of Implementing Decision 2023/1586. By 20 January 2026 at the latest, CEN and CENELEC should also confirm applicable standards or adopt successor standards intended to cover these existing and future requirements.
Efficient CE marking and risk assessment of machines
Since July 2024, our 2-day seminar Efficient CE marking and risk assessment of machinery and plants has covers both the requirements of the Machinery Directive and the new Machinery Regulation. Of course, our speakers also address the topic of harmonised standards.
The final standardisation mandate from the Commission was adopted on 20 January 2025. Six months after publication of this mandate (by 20 July 2025 at the latest), CEN and CENELEC must submit the draft joint work programme to the European Commission which should then already contain initial details of the new or revised standards. In any case, the specification of a time frame is interesting: If the hENs are adopted by CEN/CENELEC at the beginning of 2026, the standards would probably be published by mid-2026, after which users can purchase the standards from the national institutes. After that, there will still be 6 months until the standards are published in the EU Official Journal in accordance with the MVO, which is scheduled for the end of 2026 at the latest.
In addition, the request addresses the ruling handed down on 5 March 2024 in the "Malamud" case, according to which access to harmonised standards as part of EU law must be free of charge. Accordingly, the hENs can be the subject of requests for access to documents in accordance with Regulation (EU) 1049/2001. In this case, access to these standards must be granted. Public access in the context of such so-called "readability platforms" has not yet been submitted. Further information on the ruling can be found in our technical article "ECJ ruling: harmonised standards in the EU Official Journal"
You can open and download the full text of the standardisation request via the following links:
Standardisation requestmachinery regulation (main text)
Standardisation request (Annexes)
Footnote:1 See CEN/CENELEC webinar on the new Machinery Regulation2 See KAN Brief 03/2023 of the Commission for Occupational Health and Safety and Standardisation3 See CEN/CENELEC Webinar "Gap analysis"
Posted on: 2025-01-23 (last amendment)
Daniel Zacek-Gebele, MSc Product manager at IBF for additional products and data manager for updating standards data on the Safexpert Live Server. Studied economics in Passau (BSc) and Stuttgart (MSc), specialising in International Business and Economics. Email: |
Christian Aumann, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Specialist for CE marking and Safexpert. Since 2023 in product management at IBF. Before that, he worked as a design engineer in special machine construction and as an occupational safety expert (SiFa). Studied mechanical engineering at the OTH Regensburg with a focus on production and automation technology.
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