Which standards trigger presumption of conformity for the ATEX directive? In this - continuously updated - post you will inform you on the latest changes.
Information on the data packages
The list of harmonized standards which give presumption of conformity for the ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU) was updated on 2023-08-02:
EU Official Journal: C/2023/5172Publication date: 2023-08-02Legal basis: ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU)SUCCESSOR: For the standard EN 50104:2010 the standards EN 50104:2019 and its amendment A1:2023 were published as successor documents
SAFEXPERT-USER: All changes are already available on the Safexpert Live Server.
The list of harmonized standards which give presumption of conformity for the ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU) was updated on 2023-03-17:
EU Official Journal: C/2023/1596Publication date: 2023-03-17Legal basis: ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU)NEW: EN 17348:2022 was published for the first timeAMENDED: For the standard EN 60079-29-1:2016 amendments were published
The list of harmonized standards which give presumption of conformity for the ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU) was updated on 2022-09-29:
EU Official Journal: C/2022/6855Publication date: 2022-09-29Legal basis: ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU)SUCCESSOR: EN 15967:2022 was published as a direct successorREMOVED (WITH TRANSITIONAL TIME): EN 15967:2011 will be removed with transition period as per 2024-03-29
The list of harmonized standards which give presumption of conformity for the ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU) was updated on 2022-05-19:
EU Official Journal: C/2022/3181Publication date: 2022-05-19Legal basis: ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU)SUCCESSOR:For 2 Standards direct successors were publishedREMOVED (WITH TRANSITIONAL TIME): 2 standards will be removed with transition period as per 2023-11-19
Official Journal of the EU: C/2022/1279Publication Date: 2022-03-10Legal basis: ATEX directive (2014/34/EU)
Successor: For 5 standards direct successors were published
REMOVED (WITH TRANSITIONAL TIME):5 standards will be removed with transition period as per 2023-09-03
SAFEXPERT-USER: All changes are already available to you on the Safexpert LiveServer.
Official Journal of the EU: C/2021/6243Publication Date: 2021-08-21Legal basis: ATEX directive (2014/34/EU)NEW:EN 13852-3:2021 was published in the OJEU for the first timeAttention: The standard was published with a restriction! This publication in the OJEU does not cover the following part of the standard: column "Remarks/Notes" of table ZB.1
Official Journal of the EU: C/2021/3542Publication Date: 2021-05-27Legal basis: ATEX directive (2014/34/EU)SUCCESSOR: For 1 standards a direct successor was publishedREMOVED (WITH TRANSITIONAL TIME):1 standard will be removed with transition period as per 2022-11-27