
New Guidelines (4th Edition) to the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU

New Guidelines (4th Edition) for the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU

The EU Commission has published the fourth edition of the Guidelines to the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU at the end of November 2022. These guidelines provide valuable support in the application of the ATEX Directive.

Changes compared to version 3

According to our assessment, the document has been mainly editorially revised, including updated references to standards.

From our point of view, the addition of the products filter element, filter housing and spiral jet mill to the list of borderline cases (Borderline List) is particularly relevant in terms of content.

Download the original document

The fourth edition of the guidance is available in English and German and can be downloaded from the IBF Download Center.

What is the role of guides in general?

Guides, such as the one discussed here, or the guides to other EU directives such as the Machinery Directive or the Low Voltage Directive, play an important role in the interpretation of the legal requirements and are valuable sources of knowledge in practice for all persons working with the respective directives and regulations. Such guidelines, however, do not have the character of law!

Product tip

As of Safexpert version 9.0, the guide is also available in NormManager. With the help of the document comparison, the old and new editions of the ATEX guidelines can be directly compared and it is displayed which sections have changed.

Posted on: 2023-01-30 (last amendment)



Christian Aumann, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Specialist for CE marking and Safexpert. Since 2023 in product management at IBF. Before that, he worked as a design engineer in special machine construction and as an occupational safety expert (SiFa). Studied mechanical engineering at the OTH Regensburg with a focus on production and automation technology.

Email: christian.aumann@ibf-solutions.com | www.ibf-solutions.com



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