When applying (safety) technical standards, the question often arises as to what significance these documents have in court, e.g. when dealing with accidents involving machines or other products.
The Commission for Occupational Health and Safety and Standardisation (KAN) has prepared a legal opinion on this topic. In it, the author addresses several issues in connection with technical standards.
Preliminary remarks
Core statements of the study and interpretation for manufacturers
In essence, the report provides three core statements:
Download the study and further information
The study was published by the Commission for Occupational Health and Safety and Standardisation in December 2016. You can open and download the entire study via the following link:
KAN study: Case law on technical standards and documents similar to standards
We would like to thank KAN for their kind permission to make the study available to our readers free of charge! Further information on the study and additional literature on the topic can be found on the KAN homepage.
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